Create a new project

To create a new UCTool project from scratch:

  1. Open command line and cd into the directory where you want to create the new project directory.
    cd /home/user/data/projects
  2. Use Maven to generate a UCTool project from a template:
    mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=net.sf.uctool -DarchetypeArtifactId=uctool-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=2.1.0

    Type in the following:

    • The groupId should uniquely identify the "namespace" where you want to create the project. It can be for example a reverse of your company Internet domain.
      Example: com.klmnopqr.
    • The artifactId is the name for the new project.
      Examples: analysis, my-project.
    • The version is the initial version for the new project.
      The default value 1.0-SNAPSHOT is usually a good choice.
    • The package is irrelevant, you can simply accept the default value.
    • The uctool-maven-plugin-version should be set to the version of the UCTool Maven plugin you want to use. This should be the same one that is used by the UCTool itself.
      It is recommended to use the latest release version, which can be seen either at the site of the plugin or directly at central Maven repo.
    • The uctool-version should be set to the version of the UCTool you want to use.
      It is recommended to use the latest release version, which can be seen either at the site of the UCTool or directly at central Maven repo.

      An example of filling in the properties of a new project:
      Define value for property 'groupId': : com.klmnopqr
      Define value for property 'artifactId': : analysis
      Define value for property 'version':  1.0-SNAPSHOT: : 
      Define value for property 'package':  com.klmnopqr: : 
      Define value for property 'uctool-maven-plugin-version': : 3.0.0
      Define value for property 'uctool-version': : 3.0.0
  3. A new directory named by the artifactId gets created with the new UCTool project.
  4. Now cd into the project directory
    cd analysis
  5. Build the project
  6. The use case HTML output should now be generated and accessible from target/site/ucs/index.html.

Import the project to Eclipse

If you use Eclipse, you can import the new project as follows.

  1. File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven projects.
    Select the directory where the project was created and press Finish.
    The project is displayed in Eclipse.
  2. Update project configuration.
    Right-click on project -> Maven -> Update Project Configuration.
  3. Expand target/site/ucs and open index.html in web browser (double-click, or right-click -> Open with... -> Web browser).
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