
Define actor

Each use case needs a primary actor. To define an actor, use the actor element:

<uct ...>
        <actor name="Bank teller" code="teller" />


Name Description
name Name of the actor, as displayed to the reader of the use cases.
code Unique code of the actor, used to reference the actor from the use cases.

Actor description

To provide the actor with a more detailed description, use the description element:

<actor name="Bank teller" code="teller">
        <description>Bank teller is a bank's employee working at a bank's branch performing
                operations on behalf of the client present at the desk.</description>

Actors inheritance - sharing goals between actors

Use actor inheritance when there are multiple actors, each having its own goals, and all of them also sharing some common goals. In such a case assign the shared goals to a "parent" actor.

For example, there might be a cash teller with goals like Withdraw cash and Deposit cash, and a non-cash teller with goals like Transfer funds and Execute direct debit.

Both cash and non-cash tellers also share goals like Login, Print receipt, Identify account.

To accommodate such a need, define a new "parent" actor that will be extended by both actors and will have the shared goals defined.

<actor name="Teller" code="teller" />
<actor name="Cash teller" code="cash">
        <extends-actor code="teller" />
<actor name="Non-cash teller" code="non-cash">
        <extends-actor code="teller" />

Both Cash teller and Non-cash teller actors extend from a common parent actor Teller.

Now you can assign Teller as the primary actor for the shared use cases. Both extending actors will then have all the goals of the extended actor also assigned, as "inherited goals".

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