Data structures

In a data structure you can define data attributes in the level of detail required and then use it from all the appropriate places in the analysis.

Define data structure

To define a data structure use the data-structure element:

<uct ...>
        <data-structure name="Account number" code="AccountNumber"></data-structure>

Attributes of data-structure:

Name Description
name Name of the data structure, as displayed to the reader of the use cases.
code Unique code of the data structure, used to reference the data structure.  
If the data structure corresponds to a future entity/table of the system, you may consider using the proposed name of the entity/table as the code.
category Category of the data structure. A choice described below.
expand Should the attributes of the data structure be expanded when referenced within other data structure? See Sharing attributes between data structures >>

Attribute category values:

Value Description
persistence-entity Persistence layer. Generic business entity.
persistence-code-table Persistence layer. Code table, user-maintained list of values.
persistence-enumeration Persistence layer. Enumeration, list of values fixed in the system.
ui-list UI layer. A list panel, grid, table containing multiple instances of an entity.
ui-form UI layer. A form panel, detail, set of fields containing single instance of an entity.
interface Interface with other system.
interface-request Request on interface with other system.
interface-response Response on interface with other system.

Data structure description

To describe data structure use the description sub-element:

<data-structure name="Account number" code="AccountNumber">
        <description>Structure of a domestic account number.</description>

Define attributes

To define attributes of a data structure use the attribute sub-element:

<data-structure name="Account number" code="AccountNumber">
        <attribute name="Prefix" />
        <attribute name="Number" />
        <attribute name="Bank code" />
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