Use case details

Apart from main success scenario and its extensions, there are several other things that can be set on a use case.


Set use case description using the description sub-element:

<use-case goal="Transfer funds">
        <description>Some description of the use case.</description>

The description can for example be used to refer to a requirement that initiated writing the use case, or to refer to some attachments relevant to the use case as a whole.

It can also be used to contain the use case narrative / story, before it is expanded into main success scenario. After the expansion, the narrative should be deleted: it is not recommended to duplicate the steps of use case in both main success scenario and narrative.

Stakeholders' interests

Set use case stakeholders' interests using the stakeholders-interests sub-element:

<use-case goal="Transfer funds">
                <interest stakeholder="Client">Credit the amount to credit account.</interest>
                <interest stakeholder="Bank's retail department">Charge the fee.</interest>
                <interest stakeholder="Bank's audit department">Have all successful transactions posted into
                        transaction log.</interest>
                <interest stakeholder="Bank's audit department">Have all failed transactions posted into 
                        audit log.</interest>


Set use case preconditions using the preconditions sub-element:

<use-case goal="Transfer funds">
                <item>User is logged in.</item>
                <item>Client is present at the branch office.</item>


Set use case trigger event using the trigger sub-element:

<use-case goal="Transfer funds">
        <trigger>Client asks to transfer funds.</trigger>

Success and minimal guarantees

Set use case success and minimal guarantees using the success-guarantees and minimal-guarantees sub-elements:

<use-case goal="Transfer funds">
                <item>Transfer failure and its reason logged in audit log.</item>
                <item>Error message displayed to user.</item>
                <item>No changes made to accounts.</item>
                <item>Amount and fee debited from the debit account.</item>
                <item>Amount credited to the credit account.</item>
                <item>Fee credited to proper general ledger account.</item>
                <item>Transfer logged in transaction log.</item>


Set use case notes using the notes sub-element:

<use-case goal="Transfer funds">
        <notes>Some notes at the end of the use case.</notes>

The notes section can for example list outstanding issues in the use case, etc.

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