You can compose data structures from other data structures.
For example, imagine an Account details data structure contains an Account number attribute, which is itself typed as a data structure. In such a case, use the code of the embedded data structure as the type of the corresponding attribute:
<data-structure name="Account number" code="AccountNumber"> <attribute name="Prefix" /> <attribute name="Number" /> <attribute name="Bank code" /> </data-structure> <data-structure name="Code table Currency" code="Currency"> <attribute name="Code" /> </data-structure> <data-structure name="Account details" code="AccountDetails"> <attribute name="Account number" type="AccountNumber" /> <attribute name="Currency" type="Currency" /> <attribute name="Name" type="string" /> <attribute name="Available balance" type="decimal" /> </data-structure>
Similarly, the Currency attribute is of type Currency, which is another data structure.
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